
July 5, 2007

Pondering the 4th of July

Filed under: Uncategorized — westcoasttc @ 2:45 am

I sat around today having no patriotic ambition to celebrate what is normally my favorite holiday. I think it’s sad to see the flag waving and celebration because it reminds me of the way our nation has become. Those who would consider me unpatriotic are those who still maintain an allegiance to the President. They celebrate the commutation of a convicted perjurer and in my opinion a treasonous American. They chuckle at the arrogance of a Vice President who must never have had a civics lesson in order to believe his office is not part of the Executive Branch. They celebrate the fact that they have their own scientist to refute the human impact on global warming and they cheer for a Supreme Court’s squashing of desegregation and free speech. All the while the rest of us are dumbfounded into complacency and do nothing but watch it happen. We think things will get better in ’08, bit I won’t hold my breath. I told myself this country couldn’t be dumb enough to re-elect GW in ’04, but here we are, 3 glorious years later. I must admit, I have done little myself to change things. I am not an activist, but admire those who get out there and fight the good fight. All I know is that today, with thousands of American dead in Iraq and Afghanistan and tens of thousands of their citizens dead, I am unable to muster up any genuine feelings of patriotism. I would like to acknowledge and thank those who do serve this country in the armed forces and do not wish at all to diminish from the great sacrifices all of you continue to make. I hope that those of you on the front lines are successful in your mission, for you are the ones who can improve America’s reputation and bring dignity and respect back.

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